Jonathan Moffat

Jonathan Moffat

Europe Travel Specialist

I grew up in a small town in the wild Wiltshire countryside before making my way to London to study Geography and Film (an odd combination I know), with various trips to Morocco and the Caribbean making up part of my courses.

The desire to travel and have adventures was growing so by the time I graduated, I was ready to embark on my own around the world trip of a lifetime. Starting in Rio De Janeiro and finishing in Bangkok, I made my way by any means necessary - local buses and trains in South America, tuk-tuks in Asia and driving a campervan around Australia and New Zealand.  All completed with just a small camera to capture my experiences and a backpack with some essentials to call my own.  

The trip changed my life forever so upon my arrival back to the UK in 2009 I got my first job in travel where I have worked in some capacity ever since, helping to make other peoples' travel dreams come true.  Flash forward to the present day and the travel bug is stronger than ever with no sign of letting up. More recent trips around India and Nepal, Iceland and Poland have highlighted to me that there are so many more varied and wonderful places to visit - and, of course, photographs to be taken. So with my camera at the ready the question is always: where next?

Since joining Regent Holidays I have travelled to Albania with our clients and one of the founders of Regent Holidays - Neil Taylor on our 50th Anniversary tour. I have visited The Baltics, Slovenia and Iceland.

My trip to the Baltics was particularly memorable not only spending time in the amazing capitals but seeing other towns such as Klaipeda, Liepaja and European Capital of Culture for 2024 - Tartu.

I also spent a few fun-packed days in Iceland with my colleagues. Enjoying geo-thermal soaks not only in the Blue Lagoon but enjoying ocean vistas at the Sky Lagoon too. Thanks to our incredible Superjeeps partners we explored the Golden Circle, spotted the Northern Lights, and dashed across a glacier on snowmobiles. Highly recommended is a visit to the Fly-Over  and the Lava Show both attractions located in the harbour area of Reykjavik. It was amazing to see molten lava so close up accompanied by the informative commentary by the presenter - Ian. 

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